During these terrible times, looking for some spiritual uplift, I have edited and published a new book, Lowcountry Tides, Selected Poems of Florence Rubert Graves—my mother. She spent much of her childhood summers on Palmetto Bluff in South Carolina, and lived in Bluffton, SC, from 1938 to 1950. A beautiful tidal river, the May River, runs alongside these two places and had a lifelong effect on her creative life. I have set many of her poems to music. One such poem, Like Man’s Desire, goes like this:
“Like man’s desire this river is—it ebbs and flows, thins and grows, swiftly comes, and swiftly goes, draining itself of all it knows till, empty, it turns and follows back the self-same, time-eaten muddy track, sweeping and swelling each creek and cove, with water like the caress of love…”
You may learn more about the book on Amazon.com. More about this poem can be viewed here: https://www.astarfell.com/like-mans-desire/. More about my songs can be viewed here: https://www.astarfell.com/songs-in-my-songbook/
Some of her poetry can be viewed here: https://www.graveshouse.org/graveshouse/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/F.-R.-Graves-Poems1.pdf